High Definition & Ultra HD Cameras
The High Definition Camera upgrade replaces the standard colour high resolution camera with a 1080p High Definition broadcast quality Camera suitable for film and documentary production. This is the perfect upgrade for ROV's that may be used in the film industry and also for Marine Biologists and Ecologists that require extremely high quality recording to enable species identification on playback. This upgrade is also being used by bio-security companies that require species to be identified with 100% accuracy.
Short Extract of the Sony High definition Camera on one of our ROVs
With the High Definition upgrade, we can produce exceptional video quality that can then be recorded on high definition media devices such as the ATOMOS, presented on large TV panels to provide the highest level of confidence to scientists, biosecurity professionals, documentary and film makers, and engineers. No other inspection class ROV can provide such an exceptional video quality.
Fiordland's of New Zealand from ROV Innovations on Vimeo.
This video is about exploring the underwater Fiordland's of New Zealand with a Seamor 600m depth rated High Definition ROV